Bestsellers · Book club reads · Young adult

The shock of the fall – Nathan Filer ✶✶✶✶✶

shock of the fall

Date Read: 24/01/2016

The shock of the fall has had many great reviews which made me want to investigate the book myself and it did not disappoint me at all. Shock of the fall will linger in your mind long after you have finished the book. I will highly recommend this novel to all it is an easy to read, fast paced book which you will finish before you know it, so enjoy it. I would also like to point out how beautiful the cover of the book is too for those readers who judge a book by its cover. This book would be perfect for those readers who enjoy young adult novels, shock of the fall does contain the issue of mental health within the story beautifully. This book is beautifully written giving it the the Costa book of the year award (well deserved).

Matthew Holmes lost his brother in an accident and now he feels lost without him, due to the accident and loss schizophrenia becomes apparent within Matthews life and readers from far and wide are all behind him supporting him. You will be immersed by Matthews life and gain entry into what life is really like while living in a mental health care facility. Now I do not want to give too much away (or nothing at all) as you can tell but i promise you you will not be disappointed reading this book. So dive in and join the discussions, I have not seen a bad review yet!