
*Blogger Recognition Award* (Feb 2017)

A massive THANK YOU to the lovely Caroline Vincent you can find her here:
A second thank you to the lovely Jacqueline Leech and you can find her here:
Finally, A third thank you too the lovely Kim and you can find her here:

Caroline, Jaqueline and Kim have nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award, I’m so shocked! I’ve never been nominated before! Thank you. Go check out there websites for all things BOOKS AND REVIEWS!!! They are brilliant.

My blog has just turned ONE! It has been a brilliant year. I decided to set up a book blog as currently I am a stay at mother and at times I found it very lonely, tiring and boring. I started off by setting it up just for myself to keep me busy, keep track of all books and with the hope to find others with the same passion of reading and books like me. IT WORKED!!! Now I consider myself a part of the book blogging community and have made some brilliant friends along the way. It has given me something to look forward too each day and I have found those people I can talk books with (FINALLY). I do not know how I coped without my blog.

My first piece of advice:
Do it for yourself! Don’t expect to be a massive book blog or reviewer in a few weeks it doesn’t work like that… Take your time read what you like and enjoy writing reviews for yourself. Make it look pretty and all the little bits that makes it that little bit more. It will soon grow, remember nothing is secret on the internet! 🙂

My second piece of advice:
Use social media! If you want to grow your audience post your reviews in book groups/clubs there are so many out there. Pester authors and publishers for books, I know it sounds cheeky but sometimes it does work! Promise. Before I set up my blog I didn’t know anything about Twitter and now I love twitter. Immerse yourself into the online book/blogging/reviewing community. Netgalley also will be your best friend! Goodluck.

I would like to nominate these 15 BRILLIANT book bloggers for the award:
1) Joanne Robertson:

A little bit about me!

2) Emma Welton:
3) Emma Mitchell:
4) Amy Sullivan:
5) Kate Moloney:
6) Lauren Anderson:
7) Sarah Hardy:
8) Jessica Johnson:
9) Jill:
10) Babs:
11) Tracy Fenton:
12) Sharon:
13) Sarah Kennedy:
14) Jacqueline:
15) Chelle:

Being nominated means I have to oblige to certain rules:
1) Thank the blogger who nominated you. 
2) Write a post to show your award.
3) Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4) Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5) Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to. 
6) Let your 15 bloggers know you have nominated them with a link to the post you have created. 

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